Monday 11 October 2010

CH - Technical shot ideas presentation for pitch

The notes below are the rough script for our pitch presentation.

Shot one
1st attempt
over the shoulder was a very difficult shot, however it gives the audience the perspective from both the driver and the passenger which makes them feel included
2nd attempt from passenger seat, a much easier shot technically with a better effect- the audience are voyeuristic as they are indulging in the notion of looking (A.Goodwin theory)
3rd/4th attempt far easier shots technically, further voyeurism but very gender-specific shots as it is the male gaze watching a woman in a fetishistic way (Laura Mulvey theory)

Shot two
1st attempt
addressing one major problem we faced, lighting; how to make it interesting over a long period of time.
2nd attempt Loved this shot- very easy to do with a great effect very aesthetically pleasing

Shot three
1st attempt
addressing the problem of lighting further. shots working with the available light potraying characters in different fashions. Very easy shot, great effect. Connotations of rebellion; rich in rebellion motifs- breaking the rules, 'radical behaviour'.
Aesthetically very pleasing and still involving the audience as it breaks the fourth wall
2nd attempt very different shot but the same effects using lighting, a very interesting shot

Shot five
In research we looked at different 'filler' shots that add connotations such as ONE (your name)
showing the RPM and Mileometre is connoting fast, dangerous actions, further rebellion motifs and an interesting shot aesthetically.


  1. This is great Casey - I like the way you have annoted and explained each shot. This will definitely sound good in our pitch.

  2. i was wondering how we are going to present the pitch- maybe if we did it how we did last year, with us reading our own slides but adding comments to the others slides? cause we know what we're talking about in specific detail...
