Monday 20 September 2010

CH - How HD Cameras compare to DV

This year we have access to equipment far more advanced to that of last year; significantly, the new set of HD Cameras. These cameras have many improved functions, especially in comparison to the out-dated DV set we were reliant upon for AS. The dramatic improval in picture quality (now it is high definition) will mean we can be far more artistically free with our ideas. We can shoot CUs and ECUs with confidence, knowing we will not be losing quality, as we encountered last year. Another improvement is the new use of slow motion. Whereas the cameras last year took only a few frames per second, the new HD cameras take significantly more frames per second, which means that we can shoot slow motion and expect the same quality as regular film, without the blurring and distortion that plagued our work last year.
Maybe my favorite improvement to the equipment is the fact we no longer rely on Firewire cables to capture our film; the HD cameras have a USB link. Not only is this and incredibly faster way to transfer data, as it is not reading Analogue data from a physical tape, but it is easier and more efficient as we are able to digitally arrange our media both on the camera and on the computer, saving us valuable time. Also, we are able to film without the constant fear of accidentally filming over previous data should we make a mistake in the taping process, as well as the added benefit of being able to delete data off the camera once we no longer need it (therefore saving space on the camera rather than having to carry around many tapes at once).
Overall in conclusion I believe that the use of the new HD Cameras will significantly affect our ALevel in comparison to the AS; we can save time working whilst also enjoying the newfound freedom of true picture quality and ease of use.

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