Monday 13 September 2010

CH - Track Analysis One, Film Noir

The above link is a Youtube video by a band called The Gaslight Anthem; the track is called Film Noir.

I love this song; a classic example of indie rock, with obvious influences from older genres such as Bruce Springsteen, encorporating jangled, west American-style guitar riffs and stylized vocals that remind me of a live performance from an old microphone (creating echo and lack of clarity). The song has interesting, poetic lyrics that could easily be taken as inspiration for visual interpretation; an example of this would be; "You got Monroe hips, your poison lips are wounds in a young boys pride," which inspire images of old-style movies and movie stars, black, white, and sepia tones of idyllic characters. I could easily envision a half-narrative, half performance piece centering around the performance of such movie stars and the story behind the scenes.

However, upon reflection of this track (after a group discussion with our tutor and a discussion amongst Rosie, Josh and I) we have discovered many problems. One of these would be the very style of the song is considered very western America; this would therefore be problematic as we are filming in South East England, with a very different aesthetic. Also, the budget and organization of creating a noir-esque narrative with clips from a performance, especially when none of our group members are musically ept, would be beyond that of us and our time-frame. Speaking from a sensible and practical point of view, it would be near impossible. In saying this, I do like the idea of having a combined narrative/performance, and both Rosie and Josh were also keen. We shall continue to research and discuss.

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