Friday 24 September 2010

CH - Rekkie Proposal

I was unable to attend the class Reccie trip to Brighton last Wednesday; I was very upset that I missed this chance to gather some valuable research, but after talking it over with the other members of my group we agreed to continue doing reccies in our own time, so I would benefit from the practice and still contribute to the planning of the video. For my reccie, I am going to visit some various locations based around our current ideas (such as urban locations, like the town centre) and assess how productive they are. However, until I am able to do this I will need to complete a team rekkie.

Rosie and I plan to partake in a rekkie to create a car scene like that which we plan to include in our video.

Why is the reccie an important part of the planning process?

The reccie is an invaluable piece of the planning process; by doing a reccie we gain many things. We gather not only research of an area or location, understanding the advantages and disadvantages that location offers, or what shots and creative ideas we could aspire to create in this environment. We also learn how to work well as a team, efficiently yet creatively, and are given a good idea of what problems we may occur in actual filming. This prior knowledge helps us then to prepare against it, instead focussing on what we can build on and what to avoid.

What was the brief?

The brief was to take a series of shots at a location, exploring the possibilities in creativity it offers. The Brighton reccie had a set time limit, but for our own perosnal reccie's I chose to indite a (more relaxed) time aim, so we can begin to understand the problems that working under pressure can produce. This will also push us to work efficiently. We had a time aim of 2 hours, with this allowing us to work towards a goal but yet to achieve substantial work and a clear, complete rekkie.

Rekkie Aims
To assess the feasibility of a car scene.
To compile a list of useful camera shots specific to a car scene
To assess whether a car scene would fit our concept
To experiment with camera shots/concept ideas/acting plans
To have a wealth of footage to use in the event of an emergency (technical problems meaning we lost portions of our main footage, we could attempt an interchange)

As a conclusion to the rekkie, I will answer these two questions;
"Where did I go, what did I do?"
"How am I going to use what I learnt in the production of my music video?"
among others that we have set ourselves, in order to fully evaluate the success or failure of our rekkie.

When precisely am I going to carry out the reccie for my music video?

This rekkie is planned for Saturday the 2nd of October.

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